Academics at Avalon
While conforming to many of the norms of peer institutions, The Avalon School distinguishes itself in several ways. An academically rigorous college preparatory school, Avalon reaches beyond prestigious college admissions and test scores, also measuring its success by the cultural literacy of its students. This concept is based on the notion that boys, regardless of their eventual profession or vocation, should be versed in the arts, literature, poetry, languages, the sciences and religion. Each discipline aims to ignite both the imagination and the intellectual curiosity of every student.
In order to inculcate this cultural literacy, The Avalon School tailors its approach to meet the specific needs of elementary school age and adolescent boys. |
Students attend The Avalon School to develop themselves, and study is the primary means of doing so. Academic work takes place in the classroom and at home. Completing daily homework in the lower school should normally not exceed 1 hour; in the middle school, 1 to 2 hours; and in the upper school it should not exceed 2 hours, with occasional exceptions. Solid work habits include working at a regular time and place and making an effort to read and review course materials, in addition to completing written assignments. Homework (other than assignments not completed during the week) will not be assigned to Lower School students on Fridays. Students who are absent from school are expected to make up the work missed as soon as they reasonably can. Participation in athletics or other school activities does not excuse a student from his academic coursework. |
English 4 credits. Mathematics 4 credits. History 2 credits (one year of U.S. History) Science 2 credits (1 yr. of Biology and 1 yr. of Chemistry) Language 3 credits (Latin, Greek, Spanish or Italian) Religion 4 credits Electives 5 credits REPORT CARDS and TRANSCRIPTS Report cards are issued quarterly. Parents will receive access codes to the online grading program in order to track their son’s progress. |
Excellent Good Average Poor A+ = 97-100 B+ = 87-89 C+ = 77-79 D+ = 67-69 A = 93-96 B = 83-86 C = 73-76 D = 63-66 A- = 90-92 B- = 80-82 C- = 70-72 D- = 60-62 F = Failing (below 60) P = Pass S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory I = Incomplete GRADE-POINT AVERAGE (GPA) A+ = 4.33 B+ = 3.33 C+ = 2.33 D+ = 1.33 A = 4.0 B = 3.0 C = 2.0 D = 1.0 A- = 3.67 B- = 2.67 C- = 1.67 D- = 0.67 For students taking upper school courses, 1.00 point will be added to all Advanced Placement courses if the student takes the AP Exam, or 0.5 point if the student does not sit for the AP Exam. 0.5 points will be added to honors courses. |
ACADEMICS Academic integrity is key to the fulfilling of the school’s purpose. All work submitted, be it homework, quizzes, tests, or papers must be your own. If you find yourself unprepared, have courage to face the consequences rather than cheat. Then resolve to make a better effort going forward. DEFERENTIAL ATTITUDES Be sure to respect the teachers and staff in their roles. The tone of any school requires that students comply with the direction of teachers and staff in a prompt and cooperative manner. RESPECT FOR OTHERS Be sure to respect the rights and property of others. Violence, the threat of violence, or abusiveness in any form is not acceptable. Do not borrow someone else’s property without permission. Respect the school property by not littering, eating in the appropriate places, and by not damaging things. |
DRESS CODE We ask you to dress in a way that reflects your understanding that your school work is the beginning of your professional work.
TECHNOLOGY Students must limit their use of mobile phones and other technology. Students are not permitted to wear headphones or ear buds on campus; please remove them before setting foot on school grounds. Portable video game systems are not allowed at any time. Mobile phones may not be used in the front lobby before 4 pm. Mobile phones may be used before school, during the morning break and lunch period and after school (though not in the front lobby). Boys may not have mobile phones on their person during class periods. Lockers, locks, and storage places in classrooms are available for safe storage. |